Karen T
About the artist
Born in Jelling in 1967, between the stones and the long, open fields. With historical inspiration the paintings are brought into the present.
Paintings: I call all my paintings human images. They all reflect every nuance of life in one way or another. These nuances consist of layers upon layers, created by various kinds of musical brush movements. The way the brush touches the canvas is something I am taken in by. It can be violent, gentle, confused, hard, heavy, light, flying and loving. I call it “Movelism”.
Sculptures, made from recycling: The ideas and materials have a red thread back through time, from cave paintings to antiquity and other cultures. The meeting between the foreign and the common is exciting.
With regard to the material: it is used, it is broken, the seen, the conscious, the musical, what we believe in and all the opposites. Between this lies my field of tension, my work field, in which I examine the humane, from chaos to silence. Working with recycling materials means to take care of everything.
Monotype: The pencil glides through the thin Japanese paper, which is located on a glass surface. The movement flows with life. Through the line is a finesse and freedom achieved that I do not find anywhere else.
From the old we build pointed wreaths.

Variation over the Little Mermaid
Variation over the Little Mermaid
Acrylic on canvas / Movelism, 100x150 cm, 2016