News and exhibitions

Helga Kreuzritter
Virtuelle Vernissage
07. FEB. 2021, 7 PM
Vernissage: 07. FEB - 12. MAR 2021
Pashmin Art Gallery, Gotenstr. 21, 20097 Hamburg, Germany

1 October – 27 November 2020
Vernissage: 31 October 2020, 6 PM
Pashmin Art Gallery, Gotenstr. 21, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
Viewing art and being involved in art have healing powers. It is basically derived from arts therapy, which includes other creative therapies such as drama therapy and music therapy. Back in literature the most famous version of arts therapy is depicted in One Thousand and One Nights where storytelling saves Shahrazad (Scheherazade) and heals King Shahryar. In a more limited sense, art has the same effect through empathy.

Duration: 4 October - 30 October 2020
Vernissage: 4 October 2020, 6 PM.
Venue: Pashmin Art Gallery, Gotenstr. 21, 20097, Hamburg
The group exhibition “Nordic Art in Hamburg” opened on 4 October 2020 at 6 PM at Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg. The exhibition brought four artists from different Nordic countries together in Hamburg.

from DYSTOPIA to UTOPIA at Pashmin Art Gallery
With artistic skill, the artists Ben Schütze, Sabine Suckrau and Horst Wagner whose works are exhibited at the exhibition “from DYSTOPIA to UTOPIA” create their imaginative art worlds in various forms. Their styles vary from symbolism and abstraction to realism. One thing they have in common, is that the three artists no longer just create a doubling of the reality by imitating the present world, but aim at beauty to expand our horizons beyond the dystopian finality to a future full of new possibilities.
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WORDLESS TIME. Group Exhibition at Pashmin Art Gallery
The vernissage for the group exhibition WORDLESS TIME took place on June 20, 2020 at 7 p.m. in Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg. In this exhibition, we proceed three different dimensions in the narrative about the time of three Chinese artists, Zhong Biao, Chen Zhiguang and Ren Rong.
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Eva Kaiser, "Redemption of Empathy". Solo Exhibition at Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg
On 23 February 2020 at 3 PM, the solo exhibition ´´Redemption of Empathy´´ opened in Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg. In this exhibition, a total of 28 paintings from Eva Kaiser are shown.
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Chonqing International Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition 2020
On 10 January 2020 at 2 PM, the greatest art event in the greatest metropolis of the world (Chongqing) opened. The grand Chongqing International Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition was organized by HongYiJiuZhou International Culture and Art Center and PASHMIN ART CONSORTIA and was hosted by Hong Art Museum in Chongqing. The works by forty six international artists are presented there till 31 March 2020.
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Exhibition "Perspektive: Between Transience and a New Beginning”
On September 19, 2019, the group exhibition, PERSPECTIVE: Between Transience and a New Beginning, opened at Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg, with the works of Renate Pribert-Zimny, Shahram Shahmiri, Maik Nowodworski and Petra Aichholz.
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Man and his Symbols, A Move to Coherence at Pashmin Art Gallery
The exhibition “Man and his Symbols, A Move to Coherence” exhibits the works of four artists from four countries, Nille Bech (Denmark), Birdy Tg (France), Nick Coley (England), and Eva-Lena Martinson (Sweden).
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The Crossroads of the World: Construing Visual Meanings in Contemporary Art
On the afternoon of May 11, 2019, the International Art Exhibition "The Crossroads of the World: Construing Visual Meanings in Contemporary Art" co-organized by the Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art and the Hamburg Pashmin Art Consortia opened at the Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition took seven months to showcase the works of 28 international artists. The works cover sculpture and photography and a variety of media such as painting and composite materials.
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Pashmin Art Gallery in Art Beijing 2019
From 2019 April 30 to May 3, the 14th Art Beijing opened at the National Agricultural Exhibition Center of Beijing. After the explosive growth and adjustments of China’s art market and through balancing between ideals and realities, Art Beijing continues to go deep into the art market of China by carrying expectations and hopes.
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Worlds Meet Each Other - International Exhibition in MoCA Beijing 2018
On the afternoon of September 15, 2018, the International Art Exhibition "Worlds Meet Each Other – Art, Cultures and Friendship in Contemporary World" co-organized by the Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art and the Hamburg Pashmin Art Consortia kicked off at the Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art. The exhibition took eight months to showcase the works of 27 artists from 10 countries, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Iran, Denmark, and the Netherlands.
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